
How Do You Installthe W4rt Cw Ssb Filter In Icom 718

K8ESE Rating: 2012-10-23
Fantastic Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I sent my Yaesu FT817ND to Ralph at W4RT and had the OBF installed well got the DSP installed....all works peachy and what a divergence it makes....I have been a ham for many years and I got super service through W4RT..... Ralph has always answered my emails chop-chop, and he has called me if he had any questions....he has mailed back my rig upon completion of the modifications very rapidly....I could accept non received any improve service than what Ralph has given me.....his products and service are number one, and I will again do business with W4RT.....if you have an 817ND like I accept, and need modifications or products for it, W4RT is the store for yous.....the prices can't be trounce either!
GM0HKS Rating: 2011-12-31
Fantastic Service W4RT Fourth dimension Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I exchanged email with Ralph Peterson - N5DOI at W4RT and he immediately prepare my listen at balance with regard to purchasing a 300hz Collins mechanical filter for my IC718. Well, I made the buy on 27 December and the package dropped through my letter of the alphabet box today 31st December !!!! That is what I call service. From the U.s.a. to Motherwell in Central Scotland in under 4 days is remarkable. I cannot speak also highly of Ralph and W4RT products equally information technology is merely splendid and I am absolutely thrilled to bits with the product. The whole customer care experience has been better than fantastic and I wholeheartedly commend Ralph and the W4RT group to you for any time to come purchases of filters and his other products. Oh, and past the way, no customs or Parcelforce treatment charges either. Its bang-up to vanquish the organization once in a while. A loftier v from me Ralph .....Will / GM0HKS
NX0L Rating: 2011-10-30
Fantabulous Addition Time Owned: 6 to 12 months.
Afterwards owning the FT-817 for around half-dozen months a CW filter was condign a height priority. After looking into the options and reading well-nigh the better SSB filter, I decided I had to have both filters that the OBF offered. It has been well worth the cost and W4RT's OBF fabricated it cost constructive in my opinion. I had a confirming email the mean solar day later placing the lodge. The turnaround was two days as promised, and it was back in my hands all in under a week. This is the 2d production from W4RT and both experiences have been good.
KB2VMG Rating: 2010-08-xv
Outstanding Product and Service Fourth dimension Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Outstanding production. The quality of the filters and their installation are hard to beat especially at W4RT's price. Equally many have noted the CW filter (either the 500 or 300) makes it much easier to decode PSK signals on crowded bands. As for the service, it couldn't be meliorate. My emails were answered promptly and when I made a mistake and overpaid for shipping, my money was refunded before I even knew I had overpaid. Kudos W4RT.


N4SRQ Rating: 2010-06-22
OBF due west/FT-817 PSK Time Owned: six to 12 months.
I had the OBF installed on my FT-817ND. There is some improvement with the 2.iii mechanical filter on SSB. Standing solitary I don't know if I would recommend it over the original ceramic one. Now the 300 is a unlike story, not just for CW, but for PSK and the other digital modes. A squeamish way to cutting out the clutter. As my son would say, it'due south like having your private chat room. A very worthwhile product. If y'all are simply going to install one filter, I recommend the 300.
73, N4SRQ Stephen
KD5KC Rating: 2009-12-15
OBF & FT-817 Fourth dimension Endemic: 3 to 6 months.
The installation was a job, and a story for another time. But this review isn't about installing them - information technology is nigh using the filters.

I accept the OBF-817 with the Collins 500 hz CW filter and the Collins SSB filter. They were installed shortly after I got the new FT-817ND.

On SSB it is hard for my ears to detect any difference at all for receiving. However, several friends who know my phonation well say I sounded much "fuller" with the Collins SSB filter. When using a 5-watt radio, that is important. From that standpoint alone it was worth it. In addition, I did an A/B with the OBP spoken language processor. All my friends agreed that information technology fabricated a huge difference with the FT-817.

Equally a side-note, the 500hz CW filter really makes a divergence on CW. Although CW isn't my mode, I practice play sometimes. It would be much more difficult without the filter. The 300 hz might have been a meliorate choice, simply I got the 500 and that is that.

Overall - 100% satisfied.

KC8HXO Rating: 2008-09-26
Super! I installed information technology my IC-703 Time Owned: 0 to iii months.
I did it myself, but would certainly send it to the fine folks at the factory to have it done next time. It'due south a bit of a claiming to desolder the original SSB filter. At least for me, with limited equipment, it was a challenge. Just, as usual perseverance and a big hammer paid off, and the IC-703 now has some high quality Collins stuff under the hood! SSB does seem a bit less "edgy" to mind to, but information technology could exist power of suggestion. 500Cy CW filter is the cat'southward meow. All in all, a practiced product.
KJ4DX Rating: 2008-03-17
Superb work and service !! Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I sent my IC-703plus to W4RT for the One-Board Filter modification. These folks answered every e-mail and every question within a couple of hours. I sent the radio in on Monday night -- I had information technology back by Thursday night !! Meridian-notch client service -- they don't treat you like an inconvenience. Highly recommended.
AE7YD Rating: 2007-08-xv
OBF for FT817 Fourth dimension Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I had the filters for CW and SSB on separate boards
when I contacted W4rt Barry W4WB immediatly
accepted to use my filters to make a one board
version for a minimal fee.

Fast turn effectually and quality work. The installation
directions are very clear.
The SSB makes only a departure when other stations
are close to the frequency. The CW filter makes a
very noticeable difference. Well worth the coin.

PE1HZG Rating: 2007-05-18
DIY version fine besides Time Endemic: 0 to 3 months.
Enough people accept commented on the filters. Permit me annotate on installing the DIY version of the board in the FT817:
Instructions were clear, and with the right tools (Weller WTCP with 5mm nr vii tip, to allow for sufficient rut transfer), and some solder wick, removing the old filter was a breeze.
Remember to offset moisture the solder contacts with some solder, so that the wick can practise it'due south work.
With a scrap of patience, the quondam filter simply dropped on the bench with a soft plop.

For the OBF, I made a small modification to make the wires get out on the lesser of the board, instead of the component side: this way, the wire is slightly shorter, and cleaner.

Installing the new lath was a breeze.

Every bit to the functions of the filter, the CW filter clearly does information technology'due south thing, and the SSB filter makes a minor but noticable difference.

Recommended? Yes!

How Do You Installthe W4rt Cw Ssb Filter In Icom 718,


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