
How Do I Make An Animated Gif With Gimp

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Animated GIF images can exist institute all over the Internet. They are used in buttons, links, icons, backgrounds, dividers, and banner ads, these eye-communicable images can be an excellent tool for personal expression. This wikiHow teaches you the basics of edifice your own animated GIF images from scratch using a free image editing program called GIMP.

  1. 1

    Open GIMP. GIMP is a free and open-source epitome editing plan that has similar tools to Photoshop. GIMP has an icon that resembles a pull a fast one on with a paintbrush in its mouth. Click the icon in your Windows Get-go menu, or Applications binder on Mac and Linux.

    • You tin can download and install GIMP for gratuitous from
  2. 2

    Create a new file. The size of the file you create depends on it'due south intended use. Banner advertisements are more often than not between 60 and 120 pixels tall and 400 to 800 pixels wide. Buttons are commonly nearly 40 pixels high and 300 pixels wide. Unlike website software and banner exchange systems volition listing their own requirements. Use the post-obit steps to create a new epitome file:

    • Click File.
    • Click New
    • Type the width in pixels side by side to "Width".
    • Type the height in pixels next to "Height".
    • Click Ok.


  3. iii

    Select a groundwork colour for your image. The active foreground and background colour are displayed in overlapping rectangles below the toolbar to the left. To select a color, click the rectangle on peak. Click a color in the rainbow-colored strip to select a color. Use the box to the left of the rainbow-colored strip to select a shade for the color. This selects the active foreground color.

  4. 4

    Utilize the paint bucket tool to add together a background colour to your paradigm. The paint bucket tool has an icon that resembles a bucket pouring paint. It'south in the toolbar to the left. Click the image artboard in the middle of the screen to fill the image with your background color.

    • Y'all can also utilise other tools, such as the brush tool to draw whatever other not-moving objects on the background layer.
  5. five

    Add together a new layer. The Layers console is to the right of the artboard in the lower-right corner. To add a new layer, click the tiny icon that resembles a canvass of paper with a plus sign (+). Click this icon in the lower-left corner of the Layers panel to add a new layer. Create a layer for each moving object in your paradigm.

  6. 6

    Add together a moving object to the image. Use the new layer(s) you created to add moving objects to your image. Y'all can use the castor tool to draw an object, or the text tool to add together text to your prototype. Make sure each moving object in your image is placed in its own layer.

  7. 7

    Create the start frame of your image. After y'all have created each moving object of your image on its own layer, place all objects at the starting frame of your animation.

  8. 8

    Salve the first frame of your paradigm as a still image. An blitheness is fabricated of many still images called frames. We demand to save each image of the animation as a still image. Use the following steps to save the offset frame of your animation:

    • Click File
    • Click Export Every bit.
    • Type "[Animation file proper noun] frame 1" next to name.
    • Click Select File Blazon.
    • Click JPEG paradigm.
    • Click Consign
    • Click Consign again.
  9. 9

    Employ the move tool to slightly move objects in the frame. The move tool has an icon that resembles a cross-pointer pointing up, down, left, and right. Use the move tool to slightly move the moving objects in your image to their frame 2 positions. The recommended frame charge per unit for a GIF animation is between 10-30 frames per second. So you lot only demand to move each object very slightly between each frame.

    • To assist keep the movement between each frame smooth and consistent, you may want to plough on the grid. To turn on the filigree, click View, followed by Show Grid.
  10. ten

    Save the 2d frame of your animation. After you have all the moving parts in place or the second frame, use the post-obit steps to save the second frame of your paradigm:

    • Click File
    • Click Export As.
    • Blazon "[GIF file name] frame 2" next to "Name."
    • Click Select File Type.
    • Click JPEG image.
    • Click Export
    • Click Export over again.
  11. 11

    Repeat for all additional frames. Continue in this fashion. Utilise the Move tool to identify each moving object in your animation slightly and and then salvage the image every bit a frame. Make sure each image contains the frame number in the file proper name (i.e. Text Scroll Frame ane, Text Scroll Frame 2, Text Coil Frame 3, then on).

  12. 12

    Save your work as a GIMP file. It's a good idea to save your work every bit a GIMP (.xcf) file, in case you need to redo or change any frames later on on. Proper noun the file something similar "[Animation proper name] artboard.xcf". Use the following steps to save your piece of work:

    • Click File
    • Click Save As.
    • Blazon a file name next to "Name".
    • Click Salvage.
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  1. 1

    Create a new file in GIMP. After you create still images for each frame of your animation, create a new file in GIMP. Make sure the the width and summit of the file lucifer the width and height of your animation frames. Employ the following steps to open up a new file in GIMP.

    • Click File.
    • Click New
    • Blazon the width in pixels next to "Width".
    • Type the height in pixels side by side to "Superlative".
    • Click Ok.
  2. 2

    Open each frame of animation as a new layer. GIMP creates animations using each layer as a separate frame of animation. The bottom layer is the first frame of animation and the top layer is the last frame of animation. Utilise the following steps to open your image frames equally a new layer. You can select multiple images past holding the Shift key and selecting the first and last image frame:

    • Click File
    • Click Open as Layers.
    • Hold Shift and click the first image frame file.
    • Click the last paradigm frame while still holding Shift
    • Click Open.
  3. three

    Add the frame rate in milliseconds to each layer name. By default, GIMP exports GIF animations at a frame charge per unit of ten frames (100ms) per second. You tin can add the frame rate in milliseconds at the finish of each frame to alter the frame rate to something a piddling faster, you can add the frame rate in parentheses to the stop of each frame proper noun in the list of the frames. For example, if you add "(33ms)" at the end of each layer name, that will requite y'all a frame rate of almost 30 frames per second.

  4. 4

    Preview your blitheness. Before yous export your animation as a GIF, yous tin preview it. This allows you to see how the animation looks. If you need to edit any of the frames in the animation artboard file. Use the following steps to preview your animation:

    • Click Filter.
    • Click Playback.
    • Utilise the "fps" drop-downwards menu to select the Frames per Second.
    • Click the Play push button in the upper-right corner.
  5. 5

    Consign your file as a GIF. If you are satisfied with how your GIF animation looks, use the following steps to consign it equally a GIF animation.

    • Click File
    • Click Export As.
    • Type a file proper noun side by side to "Name."
    • Click Select File Type.
    • Click GIF paradigm.
    • Click Export
    • Click Export again.
    • Click As blitheness.
    • Type the frame rate (i.e. thirty) next to "Filibuster between frames where unspecified:".
    • Click Consign
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Add together New Question

  • Question

    What is the best GIF animator?

    Community Answer has a free GIF maker. You tin drag and drop a video, marking where you desire the start and finish of the GIF, click and it's done in seconds.

  • Question

    Tin can I use video to create a gif in GIMP?

    Community Answer

    You could, but it would require splitting the video into even so frames. One time you have those pictures, do every bit the tutorial describes.

  • Question

    When exporting as an animated .GIF file, only ane of the frames (layers) is rendered. Why?

    Community Answer

    Maybe yous haven't animated it properly. Try and watch the tutorial over again and create the .gif file again.

  • Question

    Could your directions be outdated as of 1/23/18? The directions don't seem to conform to what I have.

    Community Answer

    They aren't outdated, I just did it on the latest version every bit of 5/5/eighteen. Try another piece of software if it doesn't seem to conform to what y'all accept.

  • Question

    Can I utilise my created GIMP files in a PowerPoint presentation?

    Community Answer

    You need to export it as an image or GIF first. Raw xcf files can only be read and opened past GIMP.

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  • Remember that .gif images just have 256 colors available, and "transparent" is one of them, so you lot can't do Likewise much shading or your shading will disappear in the final export.

  • Something cute or funny is often more than effective than large rude blinking blocks at getting a message across in a favorable way.

  • Combining the blitheness and transparency capabilities of the .gif format tin make for some very nice effects.

  • Adding 'lingering' dimmer light behind the bright light makes this paradigm a bit nicer.


  • Very blinky images or letters tin cause headaches, nausea, and disdain from your peers.


Things You'll Need

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Article Summary 10

1. Open up GIMP.
2. Create a new GIMP file in the File menu.
3. Use the tools Add your background and all non-moving objects on one layer.
iv. Create a new layer for each moving object in your animation.
5. Utilize the tools to create moving objects on separate layers.
6. Place all objects in their starting position.
7. Save the epitome equally even so image title "[animation name] frame 1".
eight Move your objects to the frame ii positions.
9. Save the epitome every bit a withal image title "[blitheness proper noun] frame ii".
10. Echo for all additional frames.
xi. Create a new GIMP file with the aforementioned dimensions as your frame images.
12. Open each frame as a new layer in the File carte.
13. Add the frame rate in milliseconds in parenthesis after each layer proper name (i.eastward. 100ms for ten fps, 33ms for 30fps).
14. Click File, followed by Export 15. Type a name for the GIF next to "Name" and click Select File Type. 16. Select GIF image
17. Click As animation.
18. Click Export.

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